The World's Most Active Chess Club
Bobby-FicherJr's Chess Page

Chess Rules!

Hi, my name is Mike. I live in the small state of Rhode Island. As small as it is, it still has many great chess players, like me. I am 12 years old and love the game. I am ranked 242 in Rhode Island. Yet I play at the strength of the top 100. I hope you enjoy chess and also enjoy my page.

Are you a chess player? Have you ever heard of the USCF? USCF stands for United States Chess Federation. It doesn't cost much to sighn up, and you get a membership that allows you to play in local tournaments, where you are eligible to win prizes, mostly money or trophies. I, myself, have a USCF rating of 1129, making me the best player in the state of Rhode Island, 12 and under. I have played in many states in New England and have won some money, actually about $100, and I keep getting better. Check out the USCF Page, maybe you will join them.

Links to other sites on the Web

The United States Chess Federation!

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